
Collaboration is the Key

By: Bart Foreman
Beauty Industry Thought Leader and Beauty Cast Contributor


Professionals, Students

Here’s another overworked term from a by-gone era. Sure, teamwork makes the Dream Work, but that’s not the end. Let’s go beyond teamwork and focus on COLLABORATION, because today, collaboration is key. Beauty school students and professionals in the real world of beauty should rely on collaboration, because no matter how good you are now, or will be soon, you are going to get stuck. It happens to all of us, regardless of our skill sets.

This should not surprise you. Today’s students have always worked together. You grew up in a digital age where you’ve been connecting with people from all over the world since you were little kids. Social media, online gaming, and chat rooms have been a part of your lives for as long as you can remember. If you can communicate and collaborate digitally, you can do it in-person.

The fun part of collaboration is the opportunity to open up – to share ideas – to get unstuck, or even better, to help another student get unstuck. And, if the two of you can’t get unstuck, collaborate with others until the problem is solved. Someone once said, “two heads are better than one.” That’s true, but sometimes three are better than two.

Success does not come easy, but it comes easier when you can collaborate with others, who may often be facing the same challenges as you are. Individual problem solving (even with help from Google) is not always the answer. And when you are holding a live clipper, it can be a scary move. Collaboration (and teamwork) takes away some of the fear of screwing up.

Today’s beauty industry employers EXPECT you to be willing to collaborate with their team. Collaboration is a pillar in today’s work culture. Collaboration is not just about solving a problem; it’s about showing that you support others in your workplace and maybe, right now, your classroom space. It’s about being part of a team or group built on trust, respect and mutual understanding. It’s about looking for ways to support the ones around you and LIFT EACH OTHER UP.

How do you start to collaborate? First, admit to yourself that you don’t know everything. Second, understand that the trial and error method may work on a mannequin with no human consequences, but when you have a live person in your chair, that’s a whole other dynamic. Third, the students around you may COLLECTIVELY have some good ideas to solve your problem. And, fourth, the incoming tide of new ideas makes everyone in class or in the salon just a little bit better. That’s how and why you collaborate.

Okay, what are you waiting for? You know how to do this. You are not an island. You’re a collective of students soon to become a collective of PROFESSIONALS. Make collaboration one of your best interpersonal power skills in your quest to be the best in your class.

Post Tags:

career, first job, Interview, Teamwork